Ore Sorting Machine Manufacturer
  • Indian Delegation Gains Insights into MINGDE’s AI-driven Ore Sorting Indian Delegation Gains Insights into MINGDE’s AI-driven Ore Sorting May 15, 2024
    This spring, MINGDE Optoelectronic welcome a stream of international and domestic visitors, all eager to explore our latest mining technology. The highlight for everyone was our smart AI-based mineral sorting equipment, known for its incredible speed and accuracy.  A notable day was May 11th, when we welcomed esteemed delegates from India representing major quartz mining operations,Led by Mr. Majji from Vita Mining, one of South India's premier quartz mines, they arrived with keen interest in our AI sorting capabilities, hoping to uncover new methods to enhance the efficiency and quality of their pegmatite processing. Our technical team gave them a thorough insight into how our AI sorter operates, its unique strengths, and shared real-life success stories. A live demonstration illustrated the machine adeptly handling pegmatite ores, utilizing sophisticated algorithms to segregate minerals with high precision, thereby boosting extraction yields and reducing environmental footprint. The Indian delegation was highly impressed with MINGDE's technological advancements and engaged in deep discussions on potential collaboration strategies. They envisioned our AI sorting technology sparking a transformation in India's quartz mining sector, fostering sustainable practices. Our Managing Director commented, "We feel privileged by the Indian delegation's visit and their positive feedback, validating our dedication to innovation and customer-focused strategies. We remain committed to pushing the boundaries of mining technology and supporting our partners through intelligent, eco-conscious solutions." These interactions reinforced MINGDE Optoelectronic's international relationships and paved the way for expanding our reach with our state-of-the-art sorting technology. With sights set on the horizon, MINGDE continues to champion innovation, guiding the mining industry towards a future marked by increased intelligence and efficiency.
  • Do You Really Know about Feldspar? Do You Really Know about Feldspar? May 18, 2024
    What is feldspar? Feldspar is the most important rock-forming mineral in surface rocks. It is also a common type of aluminum silicate rock-forming mineral containing calcium, sodium and potassium. There are many types of feldspar minerals, including potassium feldspar, albite, anorthite, etc. Rarer feldspars also include barium feldspar, amazonite, etc. According to different crystal structures and compositions, feldspar can also be subdivided into plagioclase, microcline, orthoclase, striated feldspar and other varieties. These feldspars vary in color, form and transparency. They may be colorless, white, yellow, pink, green, gray or black, and may be transparent or translucent. Furthermore, the basic structural unit of feldspar is a tetrahedron, each of which shares an oxygen atom with another tetrahedron, forming a three-dimensional skeleton, with alkali or alkaline earth metal cations located in the large voids within these skeletons.  What is feldspar used for? Feldspar is widely used in many fields due to its unique physical and chemical properties Architectural decoration field: Feldspar has high durability and aesthetics and can be used to decorate building exteriors and indoor walls. It is not only beautiful but also has a long service life. Glass industry: Albite in feldspar can be used as a raw material for glass fiber. It has chemical corrosion resistance and high temperature resistance, and can significantly improve the quality and performance of glass materials. In addition, feldspar can also be used as a processing and forming aid for glass to improve the speed and accuracy of glass forming. Ceramic industry: Feldspar is an important ceramic raw material and can be used to make ceramic products such as ceramic tiles, pottery, and porcelain. Feldspar has high high temperature resistance and strength, which can improve the toughness and hardness of ceramic products while improving their aesthetics. Chemical industry: Feldspar is rich in aluminum and silicon elements and can be used as raw materials for manufacturing paints, coatings, fertilizers, rubber and other chemical products. In addition, feldspar can also be used as a fire retardant, filler, synergist, etc. to improve the quality and grade of chemical products. How to use feldspar? Feldspar processing technology mainly involves mining, crushing, grinding, screening and other steps. First, raw feldspar is obtained through mining, and then crushed and ground to achieve the desired particle size and shape. Next, the feldspar is sorted by particle size through screening to meet the needs of different fields. During the processing, attention must also be paid to protecting the feldspar to avoid contamination or damage. How to sort feldspar? Feldspar sorting technology is a process of classifying and purifying feldspar in raw ore according to different quality, particle size and chemical composition. Through sorting, feldspar products that meet the requirements of specific application fields can be obtained, improving resource utilization and product added value. At the same time, sorting technology can also help reduce the difficulty and cost of subsequent processing and improve production efficiency. Main methods for traditional sorting of feldspar:Hand selection: Mainly suitable for better quality ores, such as feldspar mined from pegmatite. Workers manually sort according to differences in appearance, color, crystal shape, etc., and remove impurity minerals such as plagioclase, mica, and garnet. Water washing, desliming and grading: For the feldspar in white weathered granite or feldspathic placer, impurities such as clay and fine mud are removed through water washing and desliming. Grading divides feldspar into different grades of products based on differences in particle size. Advanced Technology for Feldspar Sorting: Machine vision technology: The machine vision system replaces the traditional human eye for color sorting to achieve the separation of feldspar from gangue minerals such as muscovite and quartz. This technology has higher accuracy and stability and is suitable for automated sorting of large-scale production lines. Magnetic separation technology: Separate by utilizing the magnetic differences between feldspar and impurities such as iron oxide, mica and garnet. Magnetic separation technology can effectively remove magnetic impurities in feldspar and improve the purity of the product. Flotation technology: Based on the difference in surface properties between feldspar and gangue minerals such as mica and quartz, separation is achieved using flotation machines, flotation columns and other equipment. By adjusting the type and dosage of chemicals during the flotation process, the flotation effect can be optimized and the quality of feldspar products can be improved. Our MINGDE AI sorting machine adopts advanced machine vision technology and uses artificial intelligence methods such as deep convolutional neural network (CNN).Analyze and process material images in the field of visible light optoelectronic sorting. During the training process, multi-dimensional features of materials are automatically extracted and established through CNN local connection, weight sharing, multi-convolution kernel and other methods to establish a database. The sorting effect is far better than traditional photoelectric sorting. In short, feldspar as an important mineral resource, has wide applications in many fields. With the advancement of science and technology and economic development, the application fields of feldspar will be further expanded and deepened. At the same time, we should also strengthen the protection and rational utilization of feldspar resources to achieve sustainable development.  
  • How to Better Select Ore Based on Ore Characteristics? How to Better Select Ore Based on Ore Characteristics? Jun 04, 2024
    As the core link of ore utilization in the ore industry, ore sorting plays a vital role in improving ore grade and recovery rate. However, with the reduction of high-grade and easy-to-mine ores and the increasing cost of ore sorting, these are two major problems that plague mining companies. Therefore, how to adopt appropriate ore dressing methods and reduce ore dressing costs have become issues that companies need to solve urgently. In order to achieve the best ore processing effect, mining companies can reduce the cost of ore sorting by choosing the ore sorting process. At the beginning of the process design, it is necessary to select according to the ore characteristics and design a suitable and efficient ore dressing process. At the same time, due to the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection, energy-saving and environmentally friendly ore sorting technology should be adopted to reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution, and reduce ore processing costs. First of all, the ores can be divided into the following categories according to their characteristics: 1. Physical characteristics of ore The physical characteristics of ore are mainly divided into color, shape, texture, hardness, magnetism, density, etc. Different beneficiation methods can be selected according to the physical characteristics of the ore. For ores with large differences in mineral density, such as barite, hematite, asbestos, mica, kaolin, etc., heavy media can be used for beneficiation; magnetic separation is often used for magnetite and pyrrhotite with strong magnetism, semi-pseudo-hematite with medium magnetism, some ilmenite, chromite, and weakly magnetic hematite and rhodochrosite; fluorite, talc, wollastonite, silica, lithium ore, quartz, potassium feldspar, etc. with large differences in appearance characteristics such as color, texture, shape, and gloss often use photoelectric separation. 2. Chemical characteristics of ore Different ores have different chemical characteristics, such as composition, acidity and alkalinity. For example, copper oxide ore is often separated and flotated, while gold ore is extracted by amalgamation, cyanide, thiourea, high temperature chlorination and other methods. 3. Structural characteristics of ore Ore structure refers to the characteristics of mineral particles in the ore:the shape, relative size, inter-embedded relationship of mineral particles or the inter-embedded relationship between mineral particles and mineral aggregates. For example, for impregnated copper-sulfur ore, the preferential flotation process is adopted, and the tailings after copper flotation must be flotted with sulfur again. 4. Ore Origin Environmental Characteristics Different types of ores are formed in different production environments. For example, the Yuanshanzi nickel-molybdenum ore is of sedimentary metamorphic hydrothermal transformation type. According to the characteristics of the ore, rock crushing, roasting, and flotation with reagents are selected. For example, the sedimentary barite ore in Jingtieshan, Huashugou, Sunan, Gansu and Baiyuxiacun, Sichuan, as well as the hydrothermal barite ore associated with sulfide ores and fluorite, are separated by flotation in addition to gravity separation. Ore pre-selection experiment Ore dressing experiments are an important basis for formulating correct ore sorting technology and determining ore sorting equipment. Through ore dressing experiments, ore dressing processes can be optimized and ore dressing costs can be reduced. When conducting ore dressing experiments, a reasonable test plan should be formulated according to ore characteristics and ore sorting requirements, the test process should be optimized, and the test efficiency and accuracy should be improved. During the test, the following points should be noted: 1. Experimental samples should be representative samples of the ore body to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experiment. 2. The experiment simulated the actual production conditions as much as possible. 3. Conduct statistics and analysis on experimental data, optimize mineral processing process parameters and equipment, and improve mineral processing efficiency and recovery rate. How to choose mineral processing equipment https://www.mdoresorting.com/heavy-duty-ai-ore-sorting-machine-ore-sorter-mineral-separator-sorting-38cm-particles Ore sorting equipment is the key equipment in the mineral processing process. When selecting equipment, it is necessary to fully consider the characteristics and requirements of the ore to select the appropriate equipment. In the process of selecting equipment, performance and cost should be given priority, and factors such as equipment life, wearing parts and operation and maintenance costs should also be considered. At the same time, the choice of manufacturer is also very important, whether it is a professional provider of mining equipment. For example, MINGDE Optoelectronics specializes in the research and development and production of photoelectric mineral processing equipment. Develop a reasonable mineral processing process Formulating a reasonable process during the mineral processing is the key to ensuring the mineral processing effect and reducing the mineral processing cost. Reasonable control of each link can effectively reduce losses and operation and maintenance costs. The specific measures are as follows: 1. Reduce equipment overload and wear. 2. Strictly control the operating parameters of mineral processing equipment. 3. Formulate scientific and reasonable maintenance plans for different equipment, and conduct regular inspections and maintenance to effectively extend the service life of the equipment. In summary, reducing the cost of mineral processing and mineral processing technology should be done from multiple aspects and angles, including reasonable mineral processing process, suitable equipment, control of mineral processing process, rigorous mineral processing experiments, etc. Only by combining various factors,we can the reduction of mineral processing costs and the sustainable development of mining enterprises be achieved.

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