ore sorting equipment
  • How to remove iron from potassium feldspar and the beneficiation process and flow How to remove iron from potassium feldspar and the beneficiation process and flow Nov 02, 2022
    Potassium feldspar is also known as orthoclase, the color is usually red flesh red, yellowish white, in addition to orthoclase there are also perovskite and triclinic crystal system. Usually density in 2.54-2.57g/cm³, abrasive materials and other industrial sectors and the production of potash fertilizer with. Among them in the ceramic industry as embryo ingredients, glaze dosage accounted for 30%, the rest are mostly used in chemical, glass, glass fiber and other industries, with the development of China's social and economic development, the increasing demand, potassium feldspar application prospects are more promising. The main problem of domestic potassium feldspar at this stage, rich in resources, potassium feldspar is mostly symbiotic with quartz, but also with iron-bearing minerals, mica, clay minerals and rutile. In order to improve the industrial value of potassium feldspar, its beneficiation and removal of miscellaneous stones is essential, especially the domestic potassium feldspar contains excessive iron, iron removal is the key to purification.        Next, a brief description of how to remove potassium feldspar and beneficiation equipment process flow. Photoelectric Separation and Removal      Potassium feldspar photoelectric sorting and debris removal, mainly is the original potassium feldspar ore after coarse break or second break associated ore can be sorted and dissociated, the use of photoelectric sorting equipment pre-throw waste tailings, remove the potassium feldspar in the useless quartz, vein or can be separated from the material, so as to achieve the purpose of separation, compared with the traditional hand sorting process, the overall sorting efficiency is greatly improved. Magnetic Separation     Since iron minerals, black mica, tourmaline, etc. in potassium feldspar are weakly magnetic, they can be removed by strong magnetic separation process and equipment to achieve the purpose of separation. Removal of impurities by flotation     When potassium feldspar contains pyrite, mica, or garnet, tourmaline, hornblende and other forms of ferrite containing minerals, the flotation process is mostly used to remove impurities. The process flow of mineral potassium feldspar beneficiation equipment is as follows.    Crushing: Firstly, the raw ore is crushed by jaw crusher, and then sent by belt conveyor to cone crusher for secondary crushing;   Sorting: After the secondary crushing, the potassium feldspar particles are sent to the circular vibrating screen for sieving and transported to the ore color sorter or artificial intelligence ore sorter for sorting, and the waste stone is thrown away after crushing and dissociation;    Ball Mill: After the waste throwing, the concentrates enter the ball mill for ball milling, and the potassium feldspar powder after ball milling is sorted by spiral classifier;     Magnetic separation: The finely ground potassium feldspar powder enters the magnetic separator for magnetic separation, and the selected iron and mica materials are sorted out by strong magnetism according to the material condition.    Flotation: potassium feldspar through flotation, can be very good to enhance the effect, not only to remove iron, titanium, but also to separate out the quartz and other substances. Among them, according to the potassium feldspar companion does not understand, the use of pharmaceuticals will be different, the main agents are acid flotation, neutral flotation, alkaline flotation method. Dewatering and drying: Potassium feldspar concentrate after magnetic separation or flotation or composite sorting. Dehydration treatment by thickener, then into the dryer for rapid dewatering and drying, and finally the dried potassium feldspar powder is the final sorted potassium feldspar concentrate. Among them, the above process flow 4 and 5 because of the different iron content in potassium feldspar and the different forms of iron ore present in it, sometimes magnetic separation or flotation can be used for sorting, but some potassium feldspar iron ore content is high, and sometimes iron ore exists in potassium feldspar in the form of leaching, this kind of belongs to the difficult ore species, at this time will use the joint beneficiation process for sorting, such as magnetic separation - flotation method, reverse flotation - strong magnetic separation method, etc., at this time can be used Joint beneficiation process, such as magnetic separation - flotation method, reverse flotation - strong magnetic separation method, etc.   From the potassium feldspar beneficiation process, the equipment to be used are jaw crusher, cone crusher, ball mill, vibrating feeder, spiral classifier, ore color separator, artificial intelligence sorter, magnetic separator, flotation machine, dryer, vibrating screen, conveyor, etc. According to the existence of different forms of potassium feldspar, there will be some differences in equipment.    The above is the potassium feldspar sorting process, equipment and process flow, Anhui MINGDER is mainly specialized in ore sorting equipment research and development, production, sales in one of the photoelectric sorting high-tech enterprises, the main products are ore color sorting machine, artificial intelligence sorting machine, mineral sand sorting machine, X-ray intelligent sorting machine, not only use potassium feldspar sorting, in all kinds of metal non-metallic ore are used, covering fluorite, talc, silica The scope of coverage includes fluorite, talc, silica, quartzite, phosphate ore, gold ore, high crystalline silicon, coal and coal gangue, etc.      
  • Mingde Artificial Intelligence Mineral Separator Do Favour to Fluorite Sorting Mingde Artificial Intelligence Mineral Separator Do Favour to Fluorite Sorting Nov 19, 2022
    Mingde Artificial Intelligence Mineral Separator Do Favour to Fluorite Sorting Fluorite, also known as fluorspar, the main component of calcium fluoride, is more widely used, such as in the steel industry as a flux, in porcelain enamel to help color and flux, in the field of optics for lenses, acid grade fluorite concentrate can be used to produce hydrofluoric acid, is almost so the main source of elemental fluorine.    China as the world's largest producer and consumer of fluorspar, China's fluorspar ore reserves in the world's first, fluorspar ore reserves are relatively concentrated, of which Zhejiang, Hunan, Inner Mongolia accounted for about 72% of domestic reserves, these reserves have relatively concentrated in several large deposits, domestic fluorspar ore characteristics are: monotypic fluorspar deposits, less reserves, more poor ore, less rich ore, and fluorspar associated ore, large reserves, more difficult to select ore, easy beneficiation ore less. The value of fluorite ore utilization is greatly restricted.      At this stage, the domestic fluorite ore beneficiation methods are mainly the following, hand-selected, gravity (jigger) selection and flotation beneficiation. Among them, hand sorting is mainly on the fluorite and vein boundaries, easy to sort fluorite applicable, gravity separation is mainly selected for higher taste, particle size in 6-20mm fluorite ore, flotation is mainly to separate fluorite in the quartz, barite, calcite and other vein minerals, need to be ground to -200 mesh below the sorting.         All of the above types of sorting are very limited restrictions, hand-selection efficiency is low, high personnel costs; gravity separation grade requirements, high requirements for the original fluorite can be selected; flotation costs are high, the environmental damage. In the process, cost, resource utilization, economic efficiency and other aspects in urgent need of upgrading.         Then we have to mention today to talk about an emerging ore sorting equipment - artificial intelligence ore sorting machine, perfectly compatible with the process content of hand + gravity separation, while reducing the amount of flotation ore through sorting, but also to solve the problem of color sorting machine sorting fluorite precision is not high.         The main application area of artificial intelligence ore sorting machine is industrial and mining enterprises, mainly using visible light for sorting, using a mature artificial intelligence means, able to sort according to the eye to see various differences in the ore, such as color, shape, texture, texture, reflectivity and other characteristics, sorting is a composite once sorting, combined with a variety of features to establish the model, in the artificial intelligence to sort out the good material and tail material, and Solve the limitations of color sorting machine can only be based on a single color to discriminate. Especially in fluorite ore, because of its different colors and different crystal shapes, such as octahedral, cubic, granular, grape, spherical and other characteristics of great differences, and the difficulty of sorting, the application of artificial intelligence machine is promising.   Fluorite sorting case       First of all, artificial intelligence ore sorting machine compared to hand sorting, has the advantages of strong stability and large sorting scale; compared to gravity separation, high grade fluorite low grade fluorite, particle size in 0.3-10cm can be sorted, breaking the limitations of gravity separation; compared to flotation, fluorite in crushing and dissociation can be directly into the artificial intelligence ore sorting machine, fluorite ore pre-throw waste, sorting out fluorite concentrate and throw waste in the original ore The fluorite concentrate can be sold directly and the waste stone can be backfilled or sold as construction material; for the fluorite ore which is not easy to dissociate, we can sort out the high grade for enrichment and throw away the waste directly for the lower economic grade, which reduces the amount of ore for flotation and saves the cost of flotation, and at the same time reduces the amount and cost of handling the tailings after flotation.         Mingde photoelectric artificial intelligence ore sorting machine face industrial and mining enterprises, can adapt to the requirements of high dust, high pollution, high corrosion and other harsh environment. At the same time to enhance the comprehensive utilization and economic value of fluorite ore, reduce the mining grade requirements, Mingde photoelectric for the solution of industrial and mining enterprises sorting problems, has been helping to move forward.
  • How to choose ore color separator manufacturers for mining companies How to choose ore color separator manufacturers for mining companies Jan 05, 2023
    How to choose ore color separator manufacturers for mining companies In order to improve the production efficiency  , to achieve satisfactory production results, the choice of good  equipment is very necessary, then, for the ore industry, how to choose a good ore sorting equipment?   Different places of ore, because of its ore grade, mineral structure, mineral form, mineral fugacity, and particle size and other ore properties are different beneficiation process and technical conditions are different, so the beneficiation technology can not simply apply others, but must use their own ore beneficiation test to determine whether the mineral has the value of use. Therefore, for such cases, we generally recommend that ore manufacturers bring materials or mail materials to equipment manufacturers to test whether the other party's equipment to meet their own ore products. Then visit the factory on site, listen to the technical characteristics of the manufacturer's analysis of the equipment, visit the long-term use of customers.     Stone production equipment selection should be the characteristics of the ore raw materials to determine the type of equipment, from the test or other engineering experience to obtain the index value for the calculation of the process flow, to determine the quality requirements of the combination of equipment form and configuration, to determine the production capacity of the equipment model and quantity.     In the selection of equipment priority is given to equipment that is easy to operate, reliable in operation, low energy consumption and operation and management costs, at the same time, the load factor of the equipment, the particle size of the product to be processed, the amount of variation in the grading is also an important selection factor.   On the issue of quality, we must consider the manufacturer of the production equipment, to see whether the manufacturer is a formal company, whether the strength is strong, whether the reputation is trustworthy, it is recommended that it is best to personally visit the site to see if it meets their required standards. At present, the main ore equipment is ore color separator, flotation machine, magnetic separator, etc.. Among them, ore color separator has now played a vital role in the market, and its application is increasingly widespread.       Ore color separator, the lucky star of the rise of China's mining industry. Ore color separator is the use of photoelectric principle through the color distinction of the raw ore sorting large mining technology equipment, its application not only solves the lack of operator technology and quality problems, but also greatly improve the yield of ore, thereby reducing the cost of ore, can be said to the above problem is solved.     In short, the introduction of ore color separator and the continuous development of mining production technology is quite important for the development of Chinese ore. It can not only solve the dilemma of domestic ore, but also open up a new chapter of rapid development of Chinese mining industry. Make domestic ore for imported ore to produce a strong impact, get rid of its dependence, and really achieve a new revolution of domestic ore, out of China, to the world! In this regard, ore color separator should not spare pressure, continue to develop and produce more possibilities in the field, fully support the development of domestic ore, and become the booster of a new chapter in the development of China's mining industry.
  • How to Better Select Ore Based on Ore Characteristics? How to Better Select Ore Based on Ore Characteristics? Jun 04, 2024
    As the core link of ore utilization in the ore industry, ore sorting plays a vital role in improving ore grade and recovery rate. However, with the reduction of high-grade and easy-to-mine ores and the increasing cost of ore sorting, these are two major problems that plague mining companies. Therefore, how to adopt appropriate ore dressing methods and reduce ore dressing costs have become issues that companies need to solve urgently. In order to achieve the best ore processing effect, mining companies can reduce the cost of ore sorting by choosing the ore sorting process. At the beginning of the process design, it is necessary to select according to the ore characteristics and design a suitable and efficient ore dressing process. At the same time, due to the requirements of energy conservation and environmental protection, energy-saving and environmentally friendly ore sorting technology should be adopted to reduce energy consumption and environmental pollution, and reduce ore processing costs. First of all, the ores can be divided into the following categories according to their characteristics: 1. Physical characteristics of ore The physical characteristics of ore are mainly divided into color, shape, texture, hardness, magnetism, density, etc. Different beneficiation methods can be selected according to the physical characteristics of the ore. For ores with large differences in mineral density, such as barite, hematite, asbestos, mica, kaolin, etc., heavy media can be used for beneficiation; magnetic separation is often used for magnetite and pyrrhotite with strong magnetism, semi-pseudo-hematite with medium magnetism, some ilmenite, chromite, and weakly magnetic hematite and rhodochrosite; fluorite, talc, wollastonite, silica, lithium ore, quartz, potassium feldspar, etc. with large differences in appearance characteristics such as color, texture, shape, and gloss often use photoelectric separation. 2. Chemical characteristics of ore Different ores have different chemical characteristics, such as composition, acidity and alkalinity. For example, copper oxide ore is often separated and flotated, while gold ore is extracted by amalgamation, cyanide, thiourea, high temperature chlorination and other methods. 3. Structural characteristics of ore Ore structure refers to the characteristics of mineral particles in the ore:the shape, relative size, inter-embedded relationship of mineral particles or the inter-embedded relationship between mineral particles and mineral aggregates. For example, for impregnated copper-sulfur ore, the preferential flotation process is adopted, and the tailings after copper flotation must be flotted with sulfur again. 4. Ore Origin Environmental Characteristics Different types of ores are formed in different production environments. For example, the Yuanshanzi nickel-molybdenum ore is of sedimentary metamorphic hydrothermal transformation type. According to the characteristics of the ore, rock crushing, roasting, and flotation with reagents are selected. For example, the sedimentary barite ore in Jingtieshan, Huashugou, Sunan, Gansu and Baiyuxiacun, Sichuan, as well as the hydrothermal barite ore associated with sulfide ores and fluorite, are separated by flotation in addition to gravity separation. Ore pre-selection experiment Ore dressing experiments are an important basis for formulating correct ore sorting technology and determining ore sorting equipment. Through ore dressing experiments, ore dressing processes can be optimized and ore dressing costs can be reduced. When conducting ore dressing experiments, a reasonable test plan should be formulated according to ore characteristics and ore sorting requirements, the test process should be optimized, and the test efficiency and accuracy should be improved. During the test, the following points should be noted: 1. Experimental samples should be representative samples of the ore body to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the experiment. 2. The experiment simulated the actual production conditions as much as possible. 3. Conduct statistics and analysis on experimental data, optimize mineral processing process parameters and equipment, and improve mineral processing efficiency and recovery rate. How to choose mineral processing equipment https://www.mdoresorting.com/heavy-duty-ai-ore-sorting-machine-ore-sorter-mineral-separator-sorting-38cm-particles Ore sorting equipment is the key equipment in the mineral processing process. When selecting equipment, it is necessary to fully consider the characteristics and requirements of the ore to select the appropriate equipment. In the process of selecting equipment, performance and cost should be given priority, and factors such as equipment life, wearing parts and operation and maintenance costs should also be considered. At the same time, the choice of manufacturer is also very important, whether it is a professional provider of mining equipment. For example, MINGDE Optoelectronics specializes in the research and development and production of photoelectric mineral processing equipment. Develop a reasonable mineral processing process Formulating a reasonable process during the mineral processing is the key to ensuring the mineral processing effect and reducing the mineral processing cost. Reasonable control of each link can effectively reduce losses and operation and maintenance costs. The specific measures are as follows: 1. Reduce equipment overload and wear. 2. Strictly control the operating parameters of mineral processing equipment. 3. Formulate scientific and reasonable maintenance plans for different equipment, and conduct regular inspections and maintenance to effectively extend the service life of the equipment. In summary, reducing the cost of mineral processing and mineral processing technology should be done from multiple aspects and angles, including reasonable mineral processing process, suitable equipment, control of mineral processing process, rigorous mineral processing experiments, etc. Only by combining various factors,we can the reduction of mineral processing costs and the sustainable development of mining enterprises be achieved.
  • AI intelligent Sorting Machine: A New Choice for Ore Sorting AI intelligent Sorting Machine: A New Choice for Ore Sorting Jul 20, 2024
    As the number of ore resources with low mining difficulty and good quality is decreasing, mining companies are gradually falling into trouble, especially low-grade mining companies. How to improve the economic value of mines? Reduce the overall mining and selection costs? It is an important problem facing its development, especially at the current stage, the mining and selection technology and production process improvements of industrial and mining enterprises are in a stagnant stage. The only best choice is to break the existing thinking mode. In view of the current situation of industrial and mining enterprises, there will be no major breakthroughs in mining and selection technology for the time being. Only by looking for external breakthroughs in the production process can new innovations be achieved. It is obvious that the best solution is to start with the sorting after the crushing and dissociation of the original ore. Some people will definitely ask why? In fact, it is very simple. We need to understand what ore sorting is and what is the difference between the sorting mentioned and the sorting at the current stage. The ore sorting mentioned here is to enrich the grade of the ore in advance before grinding and crushing, and to raise the pre-throwing waste tailings to reduce the amount of ore entering the subsequent process, saving a lot of costs for the subsequent process. At the same time, the pre-throwing waste tailings have not been ground and have certain economic value. Take an example of economic benefits. Let's do some economic calculations. Assuming that an industrial and mining enterprise mines 1 million tons per year, before using an ore sorter, the original production process is mining-crushing-grinding-flotation. According to the calculation of $6.3 per ton for grinding and flotation, the annual cost before using an ore sorter is about 6.3 million dollar. After using an ore sorter, each ore sorter sorts about 25 tons per hour (the smaller the particle size, the lower the hourly sorting output. In this example, the particle size of the ore particles is in the range of 1cm-4cm). The sorting cost is mainly electricity. The electricity cost per machine is $1.37 per hour, and the sorting cost per ton is about $0.137. According to 20% of the discarded tailings, there is no need for subsequent grinding and flotation, and the annual savings can reach about 1.1 million dollar. In addition, the discarded tailings can still be backfilled in the mine, or sold as other construction, road construction and other materials. The overall estimated annual output value is at least more than 1.37 million dollar. Among them, Mingde Optoelectronics' artificial intelligence ore sorter was born. Committed to the introduction, research and development, promotion and application of artificial intelligence ore sorting technology. AI Ore Sorting Machine AI Ore Sorting Machine is a device that uses the principle of photoelectric sorting, artificial intelligence means, and AI photoelectric sorting technology. After the original ore is crushed and before flotation, it can be sorted in a composite manner according to the different surface characteristics of the original ore, such as texture, color, texture, shape and other multi-dimensional characteristics, to achieve ore grade enrichment and pre-disposal of tailings. Intelligent sorting equipment. It also has the following advantages https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite Adjustable parameters: Sorting models can be established according to different sorting requirements to meet personalized sorting requirements; Automatic sorting: No manual work is required to achieve intelligent ore sorting with high sorting efficiency; Intelligent: It can continuously learn through the learning mode to further improve the overall sorting effect; Application range: Mainly in the sorting of talc, wollastonite, potassium feldspar, fluorite, quartz, calcite, lithium ore, gold ore, iron ore, lead-zinc ore, high-crystalline silicon and other ores with visible differences; Applicable fields: new and old mines, historically abandoned low-grade ores and other industrial and mining enterprises.
  • The Significance of Ore "Dissociation Degree", "Over-Crushing" and Pre-sorting! The Significance of Ore "Dissociation Degree", "Over-Crushing" and Pre-sorting! Jul 27, 2024
    As we all know, mineral resources are the pillar of national infrastructure. During the mining process, most ores exist in the state of mineral and gangue coexistence. Only after a series of processing procedures can usable minerals be obtained. Before the ore can be effectively used, it needs to be crushed and dissociated, and then enriched by the corresponding mineral processing method. The so-called dissociation degree of a certain mineral is the ratio of the number of particles of the mineral monomer dissociated to the sum of the number of intergrowth particles containing the mineral and the number of particles of the mineral monomer dissociated. First, the block ore particles change from large to small, and various useful minerals are dissociated by reducing the particle size. First, in the crushing process, some of the various minerals that were originally intergrowthed together crack along the mineral interface and become particles containing only one mineral, which we call monomer dissociated particles, but there are still some small mineral particles that contain several minerals intergrowthed together, which are called intergrowth particles. Over-crushing mainly refers to the use of excessive grinding to achieve the full dissociation of useful minerals. In this process, more fine particles that are difficult to select are produced, that is, the phenomenon of "over-crushing" occurs. Over-crushing not only affects the grade and recovery rate of the concentrate during the selection process, but also increases the consumption of the grinding and selection process due to unnecessary crushing, resulting in increased beneficiation costs. The main hazards of over-crushing are: an increase in useful fine particles that are difficult to recover, low concentrate grade and recovery rate, increased machine loss, reduced unit time capacity, and increased useless power consumption of crushed ore. From the perspective of mineral structure, except for a few extremely coarse-grained ores that can obtain a considerable number of monomer dissociated particles after crushing, most ores must be ground to obtain a relatively high degree of dissociation. Ore crushing and grinding are too coarse and the degree of dissociation is insufficient, and too fine will cause equipment wear and increased consumption. Too coarse or too fine will lead to low concentrate grade and recovery rate. Therefore, appropriate grinding fineness is a necessary condition for achieving good separation of useful minerals and gangue minerals. Mineral processing workers should pay attention to the selection of crushing processes and equipment, strictly control the operating conditions, and strictly control the grinding fine powder within the optimal range determined by the mineral processing test. After some ores are crushed, there will be a certain proportion of low-economic-grade tailings or waste rocks with good dissociation. If such ores enter the subsequent grinding, it will directly affect the concentrate recovery and power consumption cost. Some concentrators adopt the method of early disposal and early selection to discard these useless tailings, which can not only release the production capacity of the concentrator, but also reduce the discharge of tailings after fine grinding, reduce solid mineral waste, and extend the service life of the tailings pond. As a company specializing in the research and development and production of ore sorting equipment, the photoelectric mineral processing products launched by MINGDE Optoelectronics are mainly used in the pre-sorting and pre-discarding of lump ores. According to the different degrees of dissociation of the ore, it can be used for ore sorting within the range of 0.3-15cm; it is suitable for sorting ores with different characteristics such as color, texture, texture, shape, gloss, shape, density, etc. The types of ores currently used by the equipment include fluorite, talc, wollastonite, calcium carbonate, gold mine, brucite, magnesite, silicon slag, pebbles, silica, phosphate rock, coal gangue, sponge titanium, monocrystalline silicon, lithium mica, spodumene, barite, pegmatite, tungsten tailings, coal-based kaolin and other minerals. MINGDE Optoelectronics can provide professional sorting equipment and solutions for ore sorting problems!
  • Market Application and Sorting of Industrial Silicon Market Application and Sorting of Industrial Silicon Aug 31, 2024
    Overview Industrial silicon, also known as metallic silicon or crystalline silicon, is an important industrial raw material. Its main component is silicon element, and the content is generally around 98%. In recent years, products containing 99.99% Si have appeared on the market. The rest of industrial silicon is mainly composed of impurities such as iron, aluminum, and calcium. Industrial silicon is divided into various specifications due to its different uses. Common grades include 553, 441, etc. These grades represent the maximum content of the main impurity elements iron, aluminum, and calcium in the product. Industrial silicon is widely used in many fields such as metallurgy, chemical industry, machinery, electrical appliances, and aviation. The chemical composition of industrial silicon mainly exists in the form of silicon element, and the content is usually above 98.7%. In addition, it also contains a small amount of impurities such as iron, aluminum, and calcium. The physical properties of industrial silicon are high hardness, high melting point, good heat resistance, and high resistivity. At the same time, it is non-conductive below 650°C and can be used as an insulating material; it begins to conduct electricity above 650°C, and its conductivity continues to increase with the increase of temperature. Global Industrial Silicon Production Pattern and Trade Flow At present, the global industrial silicon production capacity is concentrated in China, Brazil, Norway, the United States, Russia and other countries. Among them, Brazil and the United States have high-quality silicon ore resources, and Norway has abundant hydropower resources. The growth of China's industrial silicon production capacity is mainly contributed by domestic production capacity. China has an inherent production cost advantage and has been ranked first in the world for many years. China, Brazil, Norway and other countries are not only the main producers of industrial silicon, but also the main exporters. In 2021, China's industrial silicon (including 97 silicon and silicon) production accounted for 78% of the world, and Brazil (7%), Norway (6%), the United States (3%), France (3%) and other countries also have a certain output. The production of industrial silicon mainly adopts the submerged arc furnace method, which uses the arc energy between electrodes to melt the metal. It is the main process for the production of industrial silicon in China. During the production process, silica and carbonaceous reducing agent are first placed in the submerged arc furnace, and industrial silicon liquid is generated through high-temperature reduction reaction, and then block or granular industrial silicon is generated through casting, cooling, crushing and other steps. Market Application of Industrial Silicon Due to its special physical and chemical properties, industrial silicon has a wide range of applications in many fields. The following are the applications of industrial silicon in different fields: Photovoltaic industry Industrial silicon plays an important role in the photovoltaic industry. Polycrystalline silicon and monocrystalline silicon panels are the core components of solar photovoltaic power generation, and high-quality industrial silicon is an indispensable raw material in the preparation of these materials. Industrial silicon is purified through a series of processes to generate polycrystalline silicon and monocrystalline silicon for use in the photovoltaic industry and the electronics industry. Crystalline silicon cells are mainly used in solar rooftop power stations, commercial power stations and urban power stations with high land costs. They are the most technologically mature and widely used solar photovoltaic products, accounting for more than 80% of the world's photovoltaic market. Semiconductor industry In the field of semiconductor manufacturing, the high purity of industrial silicon ensures the reliability and stability of the semiconductor manufacturing process. Industrial silicon is the basic material of semiconductor chips, and the presence of any impurities will affect the quality and performance of the chips. Industrial silicon can produce high-quality silicon wafers through melting and crystal growth technology, which are used to manufacture electronic devices such as transistors and integrated circuits. Aluminum alloy manufacturing Industrial silicon plays a key role in the production process of aluminum alloys. As an alloying element, industrial silicon can adjust the properties of aluminum alloys by controlling the amount of addition, such as improving hardness, strength and wear resistance. In addition, industrial silicon can also improve the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys, making them perform better in high temperature and corrosive environments. Aerospace Industrial silicon is used to manufacture high-performance structural materials in the aerospace field due to its characteristics such as light weight, high strength and high temperature stability. For example, in the outer shell material of spacecraft, industrial silicon can provide excellent resistance to thermal stress and can also resist high-speed wear. Industrial silicon can also be prepared into high-strength spacecraft parts, such as engine turbine blades. Chemical industry In the chemical industry, industrial silicon can be used as key raw materials such as catalysts, fillers and fire retardants. For example, catalysts can reduce the activation energy of the reaction, increase the reaction rate and selectivity; fillers can increase the contact area of ​​the reactants and improve the reaction efficiency; fire retardants can improve the fire resistance of the material and reduce the occurrence of fire accidents. New energy vehicles In the field of new energy vehicles, industrial silicon is widely used in the manufacture of key components such as batteries, motors and electronic controls. The high energy density and stability of industrial silicon make it an ideal material for new energy vehicle batteries. Construction and electronics Industrial silicon is also used in building sealing materials and waterproof materials, as well as in the field of electronics and electrical insulation. For example, silicone rubber has good high temperature resistance and is used to make medical supplies, high temperature resistant gaskets, etc. Sorting of Industrial Silicon As an important industrial raw material, the sorting technology of industrial silicon plays a vital role in ensuring product quality and improving resource utilization. The sorting technology of industrial silicon mainly includes two categories: physical methods and chemical methods. Physical methods are mainly based on the physical properties of minerals, such as density, conductivity, magnetism, etc. for sorting. Chemical methods use the differences in the chemical properties of minerals for separation. In practical applications, multiple methods are often combined to achieve the best sorting effect. Physical sorting technology Physical sorting technology mainly includes heavy medium beneficiation, flotation, magnetic separation and electrostatic separation. Heavy medium beneficiation uses the difference in mineral density to achieve separation; flotation relies on the chemical properties of the mineral surface for separation; magnetic separation uses the difference in the magnetic properties of minerals for sorting; and electrostatic separation uses the difference in the electrical properties of minerals for sorting. These methods have their own advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different types of ores and sorting requirements. Chemical sorting technology Chemical sorting technology includes acid-base leaching, solvent extraction and other methods. These methods are mainly used to process ores that are difficult to effectively sort by physical methods, especially when the ore contains fine particles or film-like impurities that are difficult to separate by physical methods. New sorting technology In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology, new sorting technologies have gradually been applied to the sorting process of industrial silicon. For example, artificial intelligence sorting technology achieves higher-precision sorting by identifying the multi-dimensional three-dimensional characteristics of silicon slag and establishing a model. In addition, color sorting technology is also used in the purification of silica raw materials. By distinguishing the difference in color, sorting is carried out, which effectively improves the purity of silica. Since its establishment in 2014, Hefei Mingde Technology Co., Ltd. has been a high-tech enterprise dedicated to the research and development, design, production, sales and service of ore sorting equipment. The current main products include ore sorting machine, AI intelligent sorting machine, X-ray intelligent sorting machine, foreign body removal robot and mining automation production line, etc. AI Ore Sorting Machine Among them, the AI ​​intelligent sorting machine produced by the company can accurately extract the surface features of industrial silicon, conduct deep learning to form a model, and match the industrial silicon with the existing model in the subsequent sorting, so as to achieve accurate sorting. At present, the machine has been put into the actual production of industrial silicon and has received very good market response. Heavy Duty AI Ore Sorting Machine As an important industrial raw material, industrial silicon plays an indispensable role in modern industry. From its production process to application field, to market status and development trend, industrial silicon has demonstrated its unique value and broad development prospects. With the continuous advancement of technology and changes in market demand, the industrial silicon industry will continue to maintain a rapid development trend and make greater contributions to the development of human society.

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