Ore Separator
  • What is Ore Photoelectric Sorting What is Ore Photoelectric Sorting May 27, 2024
    Ore photoelectric sorting is an advanced mineral sorting technology. It uses photoelectric sensors to detect and identify minerals based on the photoelectric properties of minerals to achieve effective mineral sorting. This technology imitates the action of hand selection, and greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of mineral processing through a combination of machinery and electricity. During the ore photoelectric sorting process, the photoelectric sensor emits a beam of light to the mineral. Minerals absorb the energy of light and reflect it. Different types of minerals have different spectral characteristics of absorption and reflection due to differences in their internal structures and compositions. Photoelectric sensors can accurately identify minerals by capturing these reflection spectral features. Ore photoelectric separation technology is widely used in the separation process of various ores, especially in the primary selection of pegmatite quartz vein-type ores. It can partially replace the traditional manual selection method, reduce labor intensity and improve production efficiency. In addition, ore photoelectric separation technology is also widely used in scenarios such as pre-disposal waste treatment, low-grade ore enrichment, and sorting of associated ores of multiple mineral types. Pre-disposing waste treatment is one of the important applications of ore photoelectric separation technology. In the process of ore mining and processing, there are often large amounts of gangue and low-grade ore. Through photoelectric separation technology, these useless or low-value minerals can be effectively separated, thereby reducing the amount of waste rock in subsequent treatment processes and reducing the overall cost of mineral processing. Low-grade ore enrichment is another important application area. Many ores cannot meet the requirements of economic mining due to their low grade. Through ore photoelectric separation technology, the useful components in these low-grade ores can be effectively enriched and the grade of the ores can be improved, making them economically valuable for mining. Low-grade ore enrichment is another important application area. Many ores cannot meet the requirements of economic mining due to their low grade. Through ore photoelectric separation technology, the useful components in these low-grade ores can be effectively enriched and the grade of the ores can be improved, making them economically valuable for mining. The sorting of multi-mineral associated ores is also an important application scenario of ore photoelectric separation technology. In ores associated with multiple mineral types, the property differences between different minerals may increase the difficulty of mineral processing. Through photoelectric separation technology, different minerals can be effectively separated, reducing the difficulty of mineral processing and improving the efficiency of mineral processing. After years of hard research, Mingde Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. not only developed a traditional photoelectric color sorter, but also launched an advanced AI photoelectric sorter.MIINGDE AI intelligent sorting machine takes the lead in using artificial intelligence means such as deep convolutional neural network (CNN) to analyze and process material images in the field of visible light photoelectric sorting, and automatically extracts multi-dimensional features of materials to establish a database through CNN local connection, weight sharing, multi-convolutional kernel and other methods in the training process, and the sorting effect is far better than that of traditional photoelectric sorting. https://www.mdoresorting.com/wet-intelligent-minerals-separator-ore-sorting-machine-leading-manufacturer-of-china Ore photoelectric separation technology plays an important role in the field of mineral processing due to its high efficiency and accuracy. With the continuous advancement of science and technology and the continuous innovation of photoelectric technology, it is believed that ore photoelectric separation technology will be more widely used and developed in the future.
  • A Brief Introduction to Fluorite A Brief Introduction to Fluorite May 28, 2024
    Fluorite ore, also called fluorite or soft crystal. Its main component is calcium fluoride (CaF₂) , which emits fascinating fluorescence under ultraviolet or cathode ray irradiation. The crystals of fluorite are usually larger, have a glassy luster, and have bright and varied colors, which makes it unique in the field of decoration and collection. However, due to the low hardness and brittleness of fluorite, we need to avoid violent collisions and exposure to chemicals in daily contact. In the industrial field, fluorite is the main source of fluorine and is widely used in metallurgy, chemical industry, building materials and other fields. In addition, fluorite also has good optical properties and can be used to make optical products such as glasses and lenses. In short, fluorite mine not only has unique aesthetic value, but also plays an important role in industry, scientific research and other fields. This article will take you through the main types of fluorspar and their mineral processing methods. The main types of fluorite ore can be divided according to their gangue minerals. Specifically, fluorite ore can be divided into the following types: Single type fluorite: Single-type fluorite ore is mainly composed of fluorite, with smaller amounts of other gangue minerals, such as barite, potassium feldspar, calcite, pyrite, adolite, kaolinite, etc., as well as trace amounts of phosphate-containing minerals and metal sulfides. Specifically, the grade of calcium fluoride is generally 35%-40%. A few fluorspar with more than 65% can be directly used as smelting-grade fluorspar resources, but the reserves are small and the degree of development is high. Sorting process: Hand selection is mainly used for fluorite ores where the boundaries between fluorite and gangue are very clear, and is carried out through steps such as washing, screening, and manual separation. Photoelectric separation is mainly used to sort granular ores with higher grade ores and particle sizes of 5 to 80 mm. Quartz type fluorspar ore: The main minerals are fluorite and quartz. The content of fluorite can be as high as 80% to 90%, and also contains a small amount of calcite, barite and sulfide. Since its main gangue mineral is quartz, its mineral composition is relatively simple and its purity is high. It can be used in industrial production directly or after simple treatment. Sorting process: The processing process of quartz fluorite is relatively simple and can be directly subjected to physical processing such as crushing, photoelectric sorting, and grinding. Carbonate fluorspar ore: The main minerals are fluorite and calcite, of which the calcite content can reach more than 30% and contains a small amount of quartz. Sometimes the mineral composition of such ores can be further subdivided into the quartz-calcite-fluorite type. Sorting process: Carbonate fluorspar ore has certain limitations in industrial applications. Since both fluorite and calcite in carbonate fluorspar ores have good floatability during the flotation process, conventional flotation processes and chemical systems cannot effectively distinguish between the two, resulting in calcium carbonate ( The CaCO₃) content exceeds the standard and becomes a non-standard product. Therefore, carbonate fluorspar ore is called "difficult to separate ore" by the fluorite mineral processing industry. At present, some carbonate fluorspar ores with good dissociation degree in the particle ore stage are processed by Mingde artificial intelligence sorting equipment. Pre-selecting and discarding waste to reduce the calcium carbonate content, and finally recovering the fluorspar concentrate through flotation. Barite type fluorspar ore: The main minerals are barite and fluorite, with the content of barite ranging from 10% to 40%. This type of ore is often accompanied by sulfides such as pyrite, galena, sphalerite, etc. Sometimes the quartz content also increases, forming a quartz-barite-fluorite type ore. Sorting process: After the barite type fluorspar ore is crushed, for coarse-grained ores, heavy media beneficiation methods are commonly used, such as jig beneficiation or shaking table beneficiation. When the selected fluorspar ore contains heavy metal minerals such as barite and galena, the fluorspar will be recovered as the first heavy material. For fine-grained ores, flotation is often used for separation. During the flotation process, the mixed flotation process and Na2CO3 are used to adjust the pH of the slurry, and the pharmaceutical system uses oleic acid and water glass as collectors and inhibitors respectively to obtain a mixed concentrate of fluorite and barite. The barite and fluorite are then separated by flotation. Sulfide ore type fluorspar ore: Its mineral composition is similar to quartz-fluorite, but it contains more metal sulfides, and sometimes the lead and zinc content can reach industrial grades. Sorting process: Flotation is generally used. First, a xanthate collector is used to float out the sulfide ore, and then a fatty acid collector is added to float the fluorspar. In order to suppress residual sulfide minerals and ensure the quality of fluorspar concentrate, a small amount of sulfide mineral inhibitors, such as cyanide, can be added. The selected fluorspar concentrate is dehydrated and dried to obtain the final fluorspar product. Siliceous rock type fluorite: Siliceous rock type fluorite is formed by sedimentation. This type of fluorite ore is usually distributed in shale, mica quartz and other siliceous rocks in the form of fine-grained disseminated, cement-like, strip-microlayered, lumpy, and oblate lens shapes. Sorting process: After the raw ore is crushed and screened, the coarse-grained ore is generally sorted by heavy media, and the fine-grained ore is sorted by a jig or shaker.  When the selected fluorite ore contains heavy metal minerals such as barite, sulfite, galena, etc., fluorite is recycled as the first heavy object. Sedimentary fluorite: As for carbonate fluorite among sedimentary fluorite, fluorite is distributed in fine granules in limestone and marble, and forms a granular co-bonding mosaic structure or metamorphic structure with calcite or dolomite. The mineral composition of sedimentary fluorspar deposits is relatively complex and may contain a variety of impurities and associated minerals, so more complex mineral processing and purification processes are required before industrial application. Sorting process: Due to the complexity of its mineral composition, sedimentary fluorite may need to adopt more complex processes and technologies during processing, such as flotation, gravity separation, etc. Generally speaking, the sorting process of fluorspar ore may vary depending on the nature of the ore, the performance of the beneficiation equipment and the beneficiation objectives.  Therefore, in practical applications, appropriate sorting processes and methods need to be selected according to specific circumstances,equipment, and at the same time make appropriate adjustments and optimizations to the process flow to achieve the best mineral processing effect.
  • Daily Care and Maintenance of Photoelectric Mineral Processing Equipment! Daily Care and Maintenance of Photoelectric Mineral Processing Equipment! Jun 01, 2024
    Photoelectric mineral processing equipment is a kind of mineral processing equipment that integrates high efficiency, accuracy and easy operation. It is based on the principle of photoelectric effect and realizes the separation of minerals and impurities through the interaction between light and minerals. https://www.mdoresorting.com/ccd-sensor-based-ore-color-separator-sorting-machine Its main components include feeding system, photoelectric system, control system and sorting system. The equipment has a wide range of applications, including metal mines, non-metallic mines, coal and waste beneficiation. Its advantages lie in its high efficiency, low cost, green environmental protection and technological progress. Compared with traditional physical beneficiation and chemical beneficiation, the only energy consumption of photoelectric beneficiation is electricity consumption, and the cost per ton of beneficiation is low. At the same time, photoelectric beneficiation has zero pollution to the environment and is a more environmentally friendly beneficiation method. Therefore, as a high-efficiency, accurate, easy-to-operate, environmentally friendly and intelligent mineral processing equipment, daily inspection and maintenance are important links to ensure its long-term stable operation, accurate sorting and extended equipment life. The following are some daily inspections of equipment: Visual inspection: Check whether the equipment housing is intact, damaged or deformed. Check whether the moving parts such as conveyor belts and rollers have abnormal wear or damage. Photoelectric beneficiation equipment may accumulate dust and dirt during operation, which will affect its performance. Therefore, the surface and interior of the equipment should be cleaned regularly, especially the optical parts and sensors. Electrical system inspection: Check whether the power plug and power cord are intact and not damaged or aged. Check whether the power switch, indicator light, etc. are working properly. Use a multimeter or other tool to check whether the voltage, current and other parameters of the circuit board are normal. Pay attention to waterproof, moisture-proof and dust-proof, and ensure that the electrical system is in a dry and clean environment. Optical system inspection: Check if the lens is clean and free of dust or stains. Check if the light source is working properly and the brightness is appropriate. Check if the photoelectric sensor is sensitive and can accurately identify the material. Mechanical system inspection: Check whether the tension of the conveyor belt is appropriate, without looseness or excessive tension. Check whether the rotating parts such as rollers and bearings are flexible, without sticking or abnormal noise, and the moving parts need to be lubricated regularly. Check the vibration and noise of the equipment, and deal with any abnormalities in time. Software system check: Check the software version of the equipment to ensure it is the latest version. Perform functional tests on the equipment regularly to check whether the equipment's sorting algorithm and parameter settings are correct. Including mineral processing effect, recognition accuracy, etc., to ensure that the equipment is in the best working condition. If any problems are found, they should be adjusted or repaired in time. Check whether the communication interface of the equipment is normal and whether the connection with other equipment is stable. Safety performance inspection: Check whether the safety protection devices of the equipment are intact, such as protective covers, emergency stop buttons, etc. Check the grounding of the equipment to ensure that it meets safety standards. Records and Reports: Establish equipment maintenance records. Each inspection should be recorded in detail, including inspection time, inspection content, problems found and treatment methods. Any problems or abnormalities found should be fed back to the relevant departments in a timely manner for timely processing. Regularly summarize and analyze inspection records to identify potential problems and formulate preventive measures. Please note that the above inspection contents are only general suggestions. The inspection items of specific equipment may vary depending on factors such as equipment model, use environment and process requirements. Therefore, it is recommended to refer to the user manual or maintenance guide of the equipment and formulate a detailed inspection plan based on the actual situation. At the same time, any problems found should be dealt with in a timely manner to ensure the normal operation and efficient sorting of the equipment. In addition, in order to ensure the long-term and stable operation of the photoelectric mineral processing equipment, in-depth maintenance and repairs should be carried out regularly. This includes replacing severely worn parts, checking the safety of the electrical system, etc. When the equipment fails, contact professional maintenance personnel in time to deal with it to avoid self-disassembly or repairs that may cause the problem to expand.
  • Application and Advantages of MINGDE AI Sorter in Non-metallic Ores Application and Advantages of MINGDE AI Sorter in Non-metallic Ores Jun 03, 2024
    Non-metallic ores are important resources for the national economy. Ore sorting and processing are of great significance to improving resource utilization and optimizing industrial structure. With the rapid development of AI technology, MINGDE AI sorting machine has shown strong application potential and advantages in the field of non-metallic ore sorting. This article will give a detailed overview of the application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in non-metallic ores, including its technical principles, application characteristics, actual effects and future development trends, in order to provide reference and reference for the intelligent upgrading of the non-metallic ore industry. 1. Technical principles and characteristics of MINGDE AI sorting machine MINGDE AI sorting machine uses advanced AI and computer vision technology to identify and analyze images of non-metallic ores through deep learning algorithms. The equipment uses high-speed cameras to capture the texture, color, shape, gloss, texture and other characteristic information of the ore surface, and uses powerful computing power to process and analyze this information in real time, thereby achieving accurate sorting of non-metallic ores. MINGDE AI sorting machine has the following salient features: High-precision identification: MINGDE AI sorting machine can accurately identify multiple characteristics of non-metallic ores, including color, texture, shape, gloss, etc., thereby achieving accurate classification and screening of ores. High-efficiency sorting: This equipment has high-speed processing capabilities and can quickly complete the sorting of large quantities of non-metallic ores, significantly improving production efficiency. Automated operation: MINGDE AI sorting machine realizes the automated sorting process, reduces manual intervention, reduces labor intensity, and improves production safety. Flexible configuration: The equipment can be flexibly adjusted according to the sorting requirements of different non-metallic ores. It has strong adaptability and can be widely used in various non-metallic ore sorting scenarios.   2. Application of MINGDE AI Sorting Machine in Non-metallic Ores Ore sorting and screening There are many types of non-metallic ores, and different types of ores have significant differences in composition, use and value. MINGDE artificial intelligence sorting machine can accurately classify and screen the ores according to their surface characteristics, and effectively separate the ores and veins in different non-metallic ores, providing convenience for subsequent processing and utilization. Impurity removal and purification Non-metallic ores often contain various impurities, which not only affect the quality of the ore, but also increase the difficulty and cost of subsequent processing. MINGDE AI sorting machine can accurately identify and remove impurities in the ore, improve the purity of the ore, and provide high-quality raw materials for subsequent processing. Particle size analysis and control The particle size of non-metallic ores has an important influence on their performance and application areas. MINGDE AI sorting machine can adjust the corresponding parameters according to application requirements, and perform precise control as required to produce ore products that meet specific requirements. 3. Analysis of the application effect of MINGDE AI sorting machine The application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in non-metallic ores has achieved remarkable results. First, the equipment improves the sorting accuracy and efficiency of non-metallic ores, making ore resources more fully utilized and reducing resource waste. Secondly, through the automated sorting process, manual intervention and labor intensity are reduced, and production safety and efficiency are improved. In addition, MINGDE AI sorter can also be flexibly configured and optimized according to the characteristics of different non-metallic ores, improving the flexibility and adaptability of the sorting process. 4. Future development trend of MINGDE AI sorting machine in non-metallic ores With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology and the expansion of application scenarios, the application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in the field of non-metallic ores will show the following development trends: Technological innovation continues to accelerate With the continuous innovation and development of artificial intelligence technologies such as deep learning and computer vision, the recognition accuracy and processing speed of Mingde artificial intelligence sorting machine will be further improved, providing more efficient and accurate solutions for the sorting of non-metallic ores. Wider application scenarios MINGDE AI sorting machine is not only used in traditional non-metallic ore sorting scenarios, but can also be expanded to more fields. Ores and materials with specific surface characteristics can be sorted. At the same time, the equipment will also be linked with other intelligent equipment and systems to build a more complete non-metallic ore intelligent sorting system. The level of intelligence continues to improve With the integration and application of technologies such as big data and cloud computing, MINGDE AI sorting machine will realize a more intelligent sorting process. By collecting and analyzing sorting data in real time, the equipment can continuously optimize the sorting algorithm and parameter settings to improve sorting accuracy and efficiency. At the same time, the intelligent sorting system will also have adaptive and self-learning capabilities, and can automatically adjust and optimize according to the characteristics of different non-metallic ores. https://www.mdoresorting.com/mingde-ai-sorting-machine-separate-quartzmicafeldspar-from-pegmatite 5. Conclusion The application of MINGDE AI sorting machine in the field of non-metallic ores provides strong support for the effective utilization of ore resources and industrial upgrading. Through the characteristics of high-precision identification, high-efficiency sorting and automated operation, the equipment significantly improves the sorting efficiency and accuracy of non-metallic ores, reduces resource waste and production costs. In the future, with the continuous innovation of technology and the expansion of application scenarios, MINGDE AI sorting machine will play a more important role in the field of non-metallic ores, and promote the intelligent upgrading and sustainable development of the industry. However, we should also recognize that the application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of non-metallic ore sorting still faces some challenges and limitations. For example, the identification and processing of some complex ores may require more advanced algorithms and technical support; therefore, we need to continue to increase research and development efforts to improve the technical level and performance of MINGDE AI sorting machines to promote their wider application in the field of non-metallic ores. In summary, as an important technological achievement in the field of non-metallic ore sorting, MINGDE AI sorting machine has broad application prospects and is full of potential. We have reason to believe that in the future development, INGDE AI sorting machine will make greater contributions to the intelligent upgrading and sustainable development of the non-metallic ore industry with its unique advantages and characteristics.    

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